Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 10 - Sight Seeing - Shopping - Great Dinner

Today started with a visit to the Six Banyan Buddhist Pagoda (temple). A surreal place with the sound of the Monks chanting. While here some in the group had their babies blessed in a ceremony at the temple. Since we are Christian we did not participate. We will be have Grace dedicated to Christ when we get back to our home church.

After we got back to the White Swan we went shopping with Ann from She took us off Shamian Island to get a great deal on traditional Chinese clothing. Items that on Shamian Island would have cost us 200 to 300 Yuan only cost 60 to 80 Yuan for the same items. For roughly $170 USD we have a large bag of traditional Chinese clothing.

We had our best meal since we arrived in Guangzhou at the Japanese restaurant at the White Swan on the 3rd floor. I definitely recommend it.

Grace is doing better everyday. She is now interacting fully with both Danielle and me. She still gets in moods where she will only want to be held by one or the other but now she will continue to play with the both of us. She also will not got to anyone which is a relief. She might interact but only when she is in our arms.

Grace says....

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