Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 5 - Attachment

Today is pretty much a down day as our paperwork is being processed and the babies passports are being processed. The group will heading to Guangzhou on Friday. (Wake up Grace.)

Some significant things happen today as far as attachment goes. From Gotcha Day on Sunday until this afternoon Grace had attached to Danielle and would cry when ever I looked at her. From some strange reason she attached to me this afternoon and started giving Danielle grief. We are not sure why this has happened. It could be that Grace took issue with the baths we are now giving her. Danielle was giving the baths. I do not know if it is typical for attachment to change on a dime like that or not. With that said Grace learned that Danielle and I are a team as she still got her bath. It was just that I was present and helped with the bath.

We went out for a group dinner at a local Chinese restaurant. The food was great and it was a great opportunity for the families to do some more bonding together. Our guides assured us it was authentic Chinese just without the hot spices. Some of our families felt it was Americanized but I do not know how they have come to that conclusion. It was some of the best Chinese food I have ever had.

The fried rice from the Jin Feng Hotel (3rd Floor Restaurant) is possibly the best I have ever had! I will get more before we leave.

Danielle still got to hold Grace today.

After dinner we went to the little grocery store and walked in the courtyard between the hotel and the restaurant. I must look in need of religion as while I was taking this picture a local walked up and handed me some religious literature, which was in Chinese. Our guide translated a little and from what I can tell and to my surprise it was Christian information.

This is only funny because when we were in Hong Kong the same thing happen. If they only knew my role in our church back home. It gives me a smile and serves as a reminder that God/Christ is everywhere. Even in Red China.

Another long day is over and time for bed.


  1. Hi There,

    I'm loving following along on your journey! Grace is such a sweet baby! I was so happy when I saw you had updated things today!!! Keep enjoying your trip!!! I'll be here watching. :-)

    Ziggy from RQ

  2. There is a Christian Church in GZ. I am nto sure where you are staying, but it is within walking distance of the White Swan Hotel.

  3. Our son's foster mother was a Christian (she sent a little cross with him which we are saving for him when he is older) and our guides think he may have been baptized.
